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Fitness Goals: How to Stay Motivated Beyond January

The late-winter blahs are real! And the answer to fixing them isn’t to drop what you’re doing and switch to a new program, a new diet, and a new ambitious goal. Here’s what really works!

Something about the passing of the high-calorie holidays and the turning of the year just screams “time to set some training and nutrition goals!” It’s not just understandable… it’s pretty much unavoidable. That’s when we start that new program, buy that new fat-burner, start putting inspirational quotes on the fridge. 

But a month or so later, a realization sets in: Winter is long. And the process of building the body you’ve always wanted is even longer. 

When this happens, it can be tempting to RE-set your goals… often dramatically so! But SteelFit athlete Morgan Shapiro says a better way is to look for small but important ways you can keep the train you’re on rolling forward. Here are some of her favorites. 

Dial back to the essentials

Late winter is the time when a newer, fancier… possibly more complicated… workout program can tend to turn your head from what you’ve been doing. Shapiro knows the feeling! But she also says that this time of year is when she gets the biggest payoff from the simplest programming. Why? Because she’s more likely to get it done! 

"The truth is, you don’t need a fancy routine to see results,” she says. “Just show up, stay consistent, and trust the process. A workout program doesn’t need to be complicated—it just needs to be something you enjoy and can stay consistent with."

If you can’t resist the looky-loos, consider making very minor changes to your program, like: 

Change cardio equipment: Been on the treadmill? Try the stair stepper for a few weeks, or vice versa. 

Supplement for cardio: Yes, supplements can make cardio better! Shapiro’s go-to is Steel Sweat, a light-caffeine, combo fat-burner/pre-workout which boosts sweat, calorie burn, and gives every cardio session a bit more oomph.

Get Serious About Community

It’s true that no one can lift the weights, make meals, and get through the cardio for you. But it’s also true that having someone to share the journey with can make all those things just a little easier to do… and do again… and again. 

"I tell people this all the time: You don’t have to do it alone!” Shapiro says. “A coach, a friend, or just even a gym buddy is the most effective way there is to help you stay consistent and motivated year-round."

It’s no coincidence that Shapiro listed consistency BEFORE motivation. Motivation is something that can go up and down every day. But consistency is something bigger. It’s like a boulder that, once you start it rolling, moves right over the day-to-day fluctuations in how you feel. Some days will be better than others, but they’re all moving in the right direction. And a “fit friend” can help remind you of that… and make you more excited to get to the gym and get things done! 

"Accountability is one of the secrets of fitness that people don’t talk about enough,” Shapiro says. “Surround yourself with people who support your goals and push you to keep going."

Be part of our community! Share your progress on SteelFit social by tagging us @steelfitusa.

Look Beyond Caffeine

There’s a reason that 85% of the world uses some form of caffeine every day. It works! But that doesn’t mean you should rely on caffeine to single-handedly burn your extra calories and get you excited to the gym every day.

Winter is the perfect time to try the new generation of caffeine-free fat-burners utilizing science-backed ingredients like ashwagandha, grains of paradise, and L-carnitine. No, these won’t give you a caffeine “buzz,” but they can all chip away at stored body fat and provide other benefits that caffeine can’t – like DECREASING stress rather than increasing it! 

Best Caffeine-free fat-burning Ingredients

• Liquid L-Carnitine: Decades of research say that this amino acid helps you burn fat as fuel all day, but also during workouts. That’s a win-win. 

Find it in: Steel Burn Liquid L-Carnitine, Steel Core Stimulant-Free Fat-Burner


• Ashwagandha: This powerful adaptogen helps increase your body’s ability to deal with stress. This can help improve your mood and sleep, but research shows it can also translate to big downstream benefits like fat loss and muscle gain

Find it in: Steel Core Stimulant-Free Fat-Burner, Shredded Steel Thermogenic Fat-Burner (contains caffeine)


• Grains of Paradise: When you shiver or expose yourself to cold, your body activates a special type of fat, called “brown fat,” that generates heat by burning calories. It’s like your own built-in furnace. And this herbal extract activates your body’s brown fat to help you burn more calories and even convert stubborn “white” body fat into more brown fat! 

Find it in: Steel Sweat Thermogenic Pre-Workout, Shredded Steel Thermogenic Fat-Burner, Steel Core Stimulant-Free Fat-Burner, Steel Slim Female Weight-Loss Solution