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Get Ready for Summer in Winter: The Early Start Guide to a Toned Body

Build your hot weather bod while it’s cold outside! Here’s how.

Sure, you can train more or less the same way all year round and have great results to show for it. But there’s another option out there. It’s called training with the seasons. 

Hard-training athletes of all types have known for decades that they can strategically train, eat, and supplement during their “offseason” to look and feel their best later in the year. And what works for them can work for those of us who would never dream of setting foot onstage!

Want to make this the winter you take it to the next level? Here’s how. 

Build Muscle with Creatine

The winter holidays are synonymous with “extra calories” for many of us. And that doesn’t have to be a bad thing! It takes extra fuel to add extra muscle. And every bit of extra muscle that you build during winter can help you burn more calories… lift more weight… and be more awesome later in the year. 

“I consider SteelFit Creapure® creatine monohydrate to be an all-year-long supplement for my brain health and overall quality of life,” explains SteelFit Co-Founder Rob Kaufman. “But it makes even more sense in the winter, when I usually try to add some muscle and strength. It’s a little thing you can do that can have a big payoff when it comes to better workouts, better recovery, and simply feeling better, period!” 

The best thing about creatine? It’s the simplest supplement there is for dosing. Just take 5g a day of this unflavored, tasteless powder in water or any other drink, and call it good. 

Don’t like to take powders, or have trouble remembering them? We now have Creapure® Creatine Monohydrate Gummies that you’ll always remember to take, because they're so delicious! 

Prioritize Your Immune System

Nothing can stop your winter workout momentum in its tracks like sickness. And unfortunately, this is the precise time of year when everyone around you seems to have something! 

What can you do? Hydration, sleep, and even exercise can strengthen your immune system. So can certain supplements, like bovine colostrum. 

Studies have shown that taking colostrum, like the type in SteelFit Colostrue Gold, helps hard-training athletes have stronger immune responses and may help reduce the risk of developing respiratory infection symptoms.1,2

Bovine colostrum is rich in the immunoglobulins IgA and IgG. These two antibodies are found in mucous membranes, the first line of defense against external invaders like bacteria and viruses. And taking colostrum has been shown to increase levels of these crucial substances in human saliva!3

Keep Your Cardio Up!

It’s really easy to skimp on cardio during the winter. But adding in a few easy-ish sessions on the incline treadmill or stair-stepper (maybe where you can catch up on some shows) will do wonders for your mood and energy level. Then, when spring rolls around, you can literally “spring” out of the gate with more pep, athleticism, and fat-burning potential!

Feel like you’re prone to the cardio blahs? IFBB Bikini Pro and Steel Fit Athlete Michelle Simmons has the answer. “I take Steel Sweat before my cardio sessions to help keep my endurance up, but without taking too much caffeine (we all know what that feels like). And it makes me sweat like crazy!”


  1. J Anim Sci. 2009 Apr;87(13 Suppl):3-9
  2. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2007 Mar;102(3):1113-22
  3. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2006 Feb;16(1):47-64.




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