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The Best Fat Burner Supplement for the Belly

Belly fat.

It's unwanted, hard to eliminate, and something almost everyone has had to deal with at some point. If you're reading this article, you probably wonder how to get rid of belly fat.

You've undoubtedly heard the adage "abs are made in the kitchen." 

And there is a lot of truth to that statement. What you eat (as well as choose not to eat) has a direct and tangible impact on your waistline. 

So, to lose weight and burn stomach fat, you must start with your diet. No amount of pills, potions, or creams will replace a proper diet and exercise regimen. 

But what if you're already doing everything right from those standpoints?

Would adding fat burner supplements accelerate your progress and help you get results faster or more easily?

That’s what we’re here to discuss today.

So, if you’re looking for the best fat burner supplement for the belly, this article is a review of the top fat burners for the belly that have been tested and worked!

What are Fat Burners?

"Fat burners" are dietary supplements individuals use to support their weight loss and body composition goals. 

No two fat burners are the same. They use different combinations of ingredients (and varying dosages of those ingredients) to help individuals achieve their fat loss goals.

These unique ingredients work via different mechanisms in the body, with the ultimate goal to attack fat loss through complementary and synergistic means. Among the various pathways and avenues that weight loss supplements address include:

  • Boosting metabolism
  • Increasing mood and energy levels
  • Activating lipolysis
  • Inhibiting fat storage
  • Combatting fat production
  • Limit fat cell growth
  • Reducing appetite
  • Activating brown fat thermogenesis
  • Reducing feelings of stress (which can lead to emotional eating)

Do Fat Burner Supplements Work to Burn Stomach Fat?

As we just mentioned, fat burner supplements work via a number of mechanisms in the body. The ingredients do not directly “target” or burn stomach fat, per se.

But the total of their actions (more significant energy expenditure, lower calorie intake, increased fat oxidation, etc.) helps support body fat loss (which includes stomach fat).

Certain topical lotions and fat-burning creams, such as Abs of Steel®, can help bias the body’s preference for burning stored body fat, but the effectiveness of any weight loss supplement is greatly enhanced by proper diet and exercise.

In other words, you must be willing to do the work. You can't expect a supplement or topical lotion to do all the heavy lifting for you when it comes to losing weight (or building muscle, either).

A Stimulant or Non-Stimulant Fat Burner: Which Should I Try?

Deciding whether to use a stimulant or non-stimulant fat burner depends on your preferences.

Only you know your caffeine tolerance (how well you handle caffeine) and what sources of caffeine you may already be consuming throughout the day (e.g., pre-workout, coffee, energy drinks, soda, etc.).

If you respond well to caffeine, you may want to try a stimulant-based fat burner, such as Shredded Steel® or Steel Sweat®.

Suppose you do not respond well to caffeine or are already consuming other sources of caffeine during the day and do not wish to ingest more caffeine. In that case, you may want to consider stimulant-free thermogenic supplements, such as Steel Core® or Steel Slim®.

Best Fat Burners to Help Burn Belly Fat

The best fat burners contain a mixture of ingredients that help burn belly fat through a number of mechanisms, including:

  • Boosting your body’s metabolism
  • Increasing energy levels
  • Reducing appetite
  • Enhancing feelings of fullness

The cumulative effect of these ingredients is increased energy expenditure and reduced calorie intake, creating a calorie deficit, which is exactly what you want when looking to burn stubborn body fat, lose weight, and look your best! 

Deciding which is the "best" fat burner to help burn belly fat is a bit complicated as there are thousands of options on the market (and most of those are underdosed proprietary blends).

To help you sort through the seemingly endless options, here are our favorite products to help burn belly fat and lose weight:

Abs of Steel®

The name says it all.

Abs of Steel® is our premier ab fat-burning cream and topical toning lotion specifically formulated to help burn belly fat.

We've brought together a collection of clinically-validated ingredients to help support fat reduction, boost thermogenesis, and facilitate water loss to help give the appearance of a razor-sharp, rock-hard core. 

CoAxel bolsters Abs of Steel® -- a patented slimming active ingredient developed to treat unwanted body fat. We've also included other valuable fat-burning ingredients, including L-Carnitine, Coenzyme A, and caffeine, to help tone, tighten, and slim down your midsection.

Shredded Steel®

Shredded Steel is our advanced thermogenic diet and weight loss supplement that attacks weight loss through several mechanisms, making it easier to stay on track with your diet and exercise plan, burn more calories and fat, and maintain your results once you've reached your ideal weight and shape.

While Shredded Steel® does contain caffeine, it is unlike other fat loss products that rely on a cocktail of highly-dosed aggressive stimulants that leave you feeling jittery and on-edge. Shredded Steel® contains a modest 150mg of caffeine and 100mg of TeaCrine® to provide smooth, sustained energy that lasts for hours while avoiding the jitters and crash of other weight loss supplements.

Steel Core®

Steel Core® is our stimulant-free visceral fat metabolizer explicitly formulated to help burn belly fat. The unique blend of ingredients in Steel Core® is included to help:

  • Target abdominal fat
  • Boost energy expenditure
  • Reduce stress
  • Aid fat metabolism

Steel Core® can be used standalone and stacked with any other pre-workout or diet and weight loss supplement, such as Shredded Steel®.